Shallow Frames

"Shallow Frames"

A puzzle-adventure game where you correct the paintings by solving the mysteries inside it.

Type: Bonus Project
Term: Second Term, AY. 2015-2016
Genre: Puzzle-Adventure Game
     - Unreal 4
     - Photoshop CC
     - Maya 2016
     - Substance Painter
     - John Alson Entuna: Lead Programmer, 3D Character Artist 
     - Paul Anton Rae Aguilar: Lead Game Designer, Programmer, Animator
     - Dwayne Austin Maico: 3D Environment Artist, Texture Artist, Game Designer 

Actual Contributions:

      • Theoretical Framework
      • Game Design Document
      • Visual Script for some features
      • Main Character Animation

This project is a bonus project for our Game Theory Class. In this one, we need to apply our chosen theory into the game that we will be creating.

Theoretical Framework

There are three theories that we specifically used to make this game. The first one is The Gaze. Our concept was fully based on that. That is when we start to see ourselves (or others) as imperfect when a subjective eye starts to view them. The painting concept was based on this. Additionally, we used Gestalt Theory and Organic Unity Theory as sub-theories in this game.

Character Animation

Also, I was the one responsible for the simple character animation that we have for the game.

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