School of Mercenaries

"School of Mercenaries"

A turn-based RPG where you play as a Club President in a School of Mercenaries. Form a team with your club members and explore dungeons, accomplish quests, raise the club’s popularity, and solve the mysteries of the school's Simulation Areas.

Type: Final Project
Term: Transition Term, AY. 2014-2015
Genre: Role-Playing Game
     - Unity3D
     - Photoshop CC
     - Illustrator CC
     - Maya 2016
     - Microsoft Word
     - Microsoft Excel
     - Asana
Team (Team Kambing):
     - Paul Anton Rae Aguilar: Game Designer, Level Designer, Co-Producer
     - Alexandra Arcega: 3D Artist
     - John Alson Entuna: Programmer, 3D Artist, Co-Producer
     - Mario Joshua Ignacio: Programmer, Game Designer
     - Jed Ralph Pascua: 3D Artist

Actual Contributions:

      • High Concept Document
      • Game Design Document
      • Level Design Document
      • Terrain Sculpting
      • In-Engine Level Design
      • Enemy Tweaking and Balancing
      • Enemy Animation

This project is a merged project for both our Game Programming course and Game Design course. Under the programming side, we were required to develop a specified amount of gameplay mechanics applying all the concepts that we learned throughout the game programming courses. As for the game design side, we were required to produce a level that would apply one of the many types of progression.

High Concept Document

Due to the Team's preference, we decided to create a Turn-Based RPG inspired by alot of games that we've played. Also, we had a goal of increasing our knowledge in developing 3D games. Laying out our limitations and goals, we have come to a conclusion that we will be creating a dungeon crawler type with a Third Person Navigation and a First Person Combat. Also, in our brainstorming session, we decided to go for the Sci-Fi Fantasy type so that we can explore on both genres.

Game Design Document

As part of the project, we were required to produce the game design document for the game. It is my role to iterate it as we go one through the production. Aside from the required contents, I have added information inside the document that are only specific to our game. These includes the damage calculations, skills, and stat modifiers.

Level Design Document • In-Engine Level Design

Another part of the project is to create level design document, specifying all the details required in the level. These include the mood, atmosphere, architecture, tone, and the actual layout of the level. As I was the one who created these, I also was assigned to create the level inside the engine. I was able to utilize the Terrain tool of Unity and create a landscape based on the layout from the document. Aside from that, I was the one who placed the assets and prefabs to the level, ensuring the the progression was implemented.

Enemy Animation

Aside from my design tasks, I was also part of the art team to animate the enemies in combat. I was given 3D models to rig and skin then animate. Utilizing set driven keys allowed me to create animations faster.

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