Little Prankster

"Little Prankster"

A mischievous child plays around his house, scaring people away.

Play as the Little Prankster and release the inner monster in you by playing tricks and pranks your targets.  Rule the house and show them who's boss!

Course: N/A
Type: Side Project (Game Jam Entry)
Term: First Term, AY. 2015-2016
Genre: Casual Game
     - Unity3D
     - Photoshop CC
     - Illustrator CC
     - Maya 2016

     John Alson Entuna: Game Programmer
     - Paul Anton Rae Aguilar: Game Designer
     - Bianca Therese Tan: Game Artist
     - Jed Ralph Pascua: Game Artist
     - Miguel Sesdoyro: Sound Designer

Actual Contributions:
      • Game Design
      • Character Animation

This project is our entry for Ludum Dare 33. The theme was: "Monster".

Game Design

While spearheading the brain storming session, an idea pop out where instead of defeating monsters, how about players play as a monster? A lighthearted concept of dressing up as monsters to scare people away was born after.

The main objective is to scare the target person by using the costumes scattered throughout the level.

A meter shall gauge how much scare points is still needed to fully traumatize the target person.

Character Animation

Aside from the game design, I was also involved in the animation of some characters. Working along side Jed, I we polished some of the animations. I specifically worked on the Clown's animation and just modified the others.

Online Review

Game Jam Entry Link

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